We tiptoed around, not really sure if we were allowed to be where we were or not. There were bikes upon bikes upon bikes upon bikes. Seriously. So. Many. Bikes. We ran into a guy as we started down the stairs to the main showrooms and he turned out to be Craig Morrow, the owner of Bicycle Heaven, who was more than happy to take us on an impromptu mini-tour of the place.

Sadly, because it was dark (and because we were a little drunk), Craig wasn't up for letting us test-ride any of the really odd bikes, but said to come back and give a few of these very different kinds of bikes a go. I will definitely be back.

Going into the night, I never thought I'd end up in the middle of Pittsburgh's new bike museum, but that is one of the greatest parts of living in Pittsburgh. You never really know where your nights are going to take you, but one seemingly odd location being home to two awesome local businesses? That seems pretty standard, and good reasoning for such a fun Saturday night.
California Bikes This cruiser also has a forward pedaling desigen, meaning the pedals are shifted four inches forward to allow for better leg extension and more open and comfortable seating postiion.