From this Gallery Crawl, there were two standouts: In Transit at Wood Street Galleries and Pittsburgh: Reclaim, Renew, Remix at the August Wilson Center.
In Transit used light in a beautiful ways. It was easy to be mesmerized by the light bouncing off the walls and floors.

Whereas In Transit was mesmerizing, the core exhibit at the August Wilson Center was just plain fun. This Gallery Crawl was my first time stepping foot into the new downtown building, but this is someplace I can see taking people visiting from out of town. Pittsburgh: Reclaim, Renew, Remix was engaging. From the moment I stepped into the exhibition, I wanted to look at everything. This "map" was awesome and really fun to get up close to and find hidden little photo gems (I found one of Franco Harris that looks like he's at St. Vincent College for training camp - very fitting if you knew was Pittsburgh books I'm currently reading!)

But, by far, the best part of the exhibition is in the middle of the room. There is a bank of computers that allow to create a collage of things. Pittsburgh things and insane weird non-Pittsburgh things. And then! You got to make a sound collage to go with it. Mine was some bizarre composition of bass, drums, Mr. Rodgers, Myron Cope, and "factory noise." It sounded and looked like a glorious Pittsburgh nightmare. Sadly, I have no recording of the beautiful noise, but here is what my collage ended up looking like. Note: SOME OF THESE WERE MOVING IMAGES.

And the moving image I loved the most was the weird man on the dinosaur. So awesomely weird. I loved it.

For zero dollars, I had a wonderful few hours popping into galleries and shops downtown looking at and playing with wonderful things. And that is a great thing about this city.
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