Since I moved back last July, I have either thought to myself or said aloud to others "I want to go there!" every time I've or we've passed The Waffle Shop in East Liberty. It seemed to combine two things I love: waffles and creative concepts. Of course, a year went by before I actually went, but I'm glad I waited. I got to experience my first waffle at The Waffle Shop while watching and listening to my good friend Eric talk about the protractors.
It was definitely a unique experience. They film the show while you eat. It's streamed live (I think) and then available on their website afterward. Eric's isn't up yet, but definitely give it a watch when it is.
The waffle did not disappoint. Any excuse to have ice cream for breakfast does not disappoint. (That's a theorem of mine; it's pretty flawless.) I went for a waffle with chocolate chips, a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, and chocolate sauce on top. There were strawberries on the side! So it was totally healthy in the end.
Being at The Waffle Shop ushered in the idea of eating all waffles all day from all the various Pittsburgh places with waffles. I am so behind this idea. Maybe it'll take a year, but I seem to get what I want when it comes to waffles.

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