Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Listen. I love few things in the world as much as I love Pittsburgh. One of those things: Phil Collins. I can't really explain it except to tell you that I grew up listening to the We Can't Dance album in my backyard and would act out the songs (not lip-sync, I'm talking full-on reenactments) while my mom watched me in a complete state of horror.

I love Phil Collins.

Today is Phil Collins Day! A great day to celebrate and also to find out what happens when you google "Phil Collins Pittsburgh."

You. Are. Welcome.

Obviously, that article is only loosely based on fact. Because I don't know who ever would say that "Sussudio" sucks!

Enjoy some Phil Collins today. And every other day!

Want more awesome, but slightly higher-brow, Phil Collins? Listen to This American Life's The Break-Up.

Every I hear the key change in this song, I hear my dad saying "key change!" in my head. And if he's nearby, that's what he always says.

It is my dream - in life - to sing "Easy Lover" with Phil Collins at karaoke. But I wanna sing the Phil Collins part!

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