Is there anything better than fall? In my book, the answer is no. I love summer when it starts, but by the end when the weather starts to cool and then the leaves start to change, everything feels perfect. Fall means jeans and jackets and tights and boots. It means an even more colorful landscape with reds and oranges and yellows everywhere I look. It means no more sweaty bike rides home from work!

Boy, oh boy, do I love me Halloween.

Here is a pumpkin I carved. I am no expert pumpkin carver as evidenced by this. That thing on the right is supposed to be a ghost.

The best use of a carved pumpkin to date in 2011.

I live in the same apartment building as two of my best friends. We can't get to each other's places without going outside or going through the basement, so we tend to use our backdoors and the fire escapes to get back and forth. From their fire escape, I can see inside my apartment. After carving pumpkins over their place the other night, I found one of my black cats sitting in the dining room window, looking just perfectly Halloween spooky.
Everything about this time of year is the best. The best.
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