I'm thankful for the murals, street art, and graffiti that make Pittsburgh the most colorful city.
There is nothing that pleases me more in the world than color. During the five years I lived in Boston, I forgot how colorful of a place Pittsburgh is. When I came back, it was the first thing I noticed. Murals made me stop and wonder. Grafitti and street art made me look at my surroundings a little closer. I feel completely wrapped up in the color throughout the city and its neighborhoods. It's made me smile and picked me up on the days when I've needed a little cheer. It's always evolving and new murals and bits of color are always coming to the forefront. I feel like I could live in Pittsburgh for the rest of my life (and hope that I can) and never be able to take take a picture of every mural or colorful sight. And for that, I am thankful.
(And now, some examples. A mere sampling of the bursts of color throughout Pittsburgh.)

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