Last weekend, my great awesome amazing friend Lindsay flew down to Pittsburgh from Boston for what amounted to 24 hours. But it was 24 hours to catch up, giggle, make snarky comments, and explore a bit of my city. Sunday it was hot, so we wanted some indoor activities. Having already taken her to the Carnegie Museum on her last visit, I thought of the Aviary (and then after that, the Children's Museum). So we drove the comically too-big-for-little-Lindsay SUV she had rented down to the North Side and I made my first-ever entrance into the National Aviary.

My buddy for the day, Lindsay. Who is tiny, like this bird.

We walked in and were confronted by this guy, just walking around like he owned the place.

PENGUINS! Oh, my. How I now want a penguin.
Also, it's hard to see, but this penguin's name is Owen. Adorable.

Why, hello!


I think I was most excited to find this turtle. He was sitting in the corner like he was being punished.

This was the scariest bird I have ever seen. This is the bird you do not want to run into in a dark alley.

I found it kind of odd that the bald eagles enclosure had the marker letting the Aviary patrons know that this is the spot of a former penitentiary? Odd. Yes.

Oh, hey! There's a picture of me. With this very tall bird. I'm a very tall girl, but this is a very tall bird.

While we were watching the penguins receive their 1:00 feeding, Sidney was in super swimmer mode right next to us. This only made me want a penguin more. When I am rich (I'll never be rich), I am going to have a penguin and an awesome swimming pool we can hang out in.

The Aviary was a little smaller than I had hoped, and that meant we went through the whole thing in a lot less time that we had planned on. So, being that we were right across the street, we decided we'd go to the Children's Museum. Without a child, but you know - completely normal for to 20-somethings to do. More to come on that adventure later.
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