Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You're Always a Winner, Long as You Have Fun: Games N' At

Being the kid stuck inside the body of a 28-year-old that I am, I love a good arcade. I love pinball. I love skeeball. I love those goofy games of chance. Winning tickets and figuring out what ridiculous crap I can get at the prize counter is probably the best.

One weekend last month, my friends and I hosted several of our friends from college in Pittsburgh for a reunion weekend of sorts. In college, a place we visited semi-regularly was Games N' At on the South Side. What's great about this place is that there is a variety of games, a duck pin bowling alley upstairs, and - probably most importantly it's BYOB.

I tried to challenge my inner Tommy at took on the Kiss pinball machine. I actually fared way better on the Steelers machine.

Sentell battles Mike in dome hockey. Check out the score.

Kate and me, moments before we dominated Pam and Claire in duck pin bowling.

Many summers spent on the Jersey Shore have honed my skeeball talents.

In fact, they were honed so well that I was able to take this cassette tape home with me.


  1. This is especially great because I have a photo of Sentell from about 8 years ago standing not two feet from that spot.

  2. We obviously need to compare and contrast. Dig that up!
